About Me

 “Born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.”
                     – Raphael Sabatini

My name is Emily Ness. I’m a grad student from Minnesota, now living in Mississippi. I’m a classic introvert — happiest and most content when I’m alone. One hour in a shopping mall exhausts me, but weeks of traveling is completely energizing. I believe traveling is an introvert’s paradise. Even on a crowded bus or in the middle of a busy city, you are alone, to search, discover, think, listen, photograph, taste, and get lost, in a brand new environment.

Tchaikovsky, spending money, and decision-making stress me out. I’m attracted to  humor and cynicism.  I like cars, Beethoven, British television, whisky, full reds and acidic whites, good music, national stereotypes, international sports, and Quentin Tarantino movies. I dislike beer, Wayne Rooney, social conservatism, and the fact that “teen paranormal romance” sections are popping up at Barnes & Nobles everywhere.

I’ve always felt in a state of transit, spending what feels like half my life in a car, and always feeling like I’m “on my way” – to the next city, the next home, the next school, the next career. To quote Rob Brydon and The Trip: “You’re stuck halfway toward  your destination! You’re trapped in a metaphor!”

Steve Coogan finds himself trapped in the middle of a river. “The Trip.” Watch it.

Ultimately, I think the world is wonderfully mad. So this is a place for me to write about the insane, fantastic, aggravating, and hilarious things I observe.

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